
Review Previous Communications

Be sure to review FirstYear@ND Communications as well!

Our Partnership with You

The Welcome Weekend planning team and our partners will be in touch via your Notre Dame Gmail account to offer updates, recommendations, residence hall assignments, and opportunities for engagement with the Notre Dame community. We encourage you to share all information with your family so that they might walk through this time of transition alongside you. Since communications will be sent to your Notre Dame Gmail account, it is important that you activate your ND Gmail account as soon as possible.

In the first days of May, you will receive an email from "Okta." Notre Dame uses Okta to manage the IT services central to your success as a student. The email from Okta contains a unique link that will enable you to activate your NetID, access your new email account, and check your inbox daily. Important communications can also be viewed on the Welcome Weekend website.

We also encourage you to follow First Year Advising's Instagram and Welcome Weekend's Instagram for additional information and engagement.